Monday, August 13, 2012

Where in the world did this year go?!

i suck. There....I said it. I have been so wrapped up in all sorts of things this year and I have completely forgotten about this blog that I was so excited to begin. I created 2 posts...then nothing....wth. I know I said that I wanted to take more time out for myself, but to neglect this fun stuff....not acceptable.
I can't believe that this year is more than half over and you know what that means? School begins for my little man {ok-he's 15 and 6'3"-not so little}, fall/winter school activities and sports, planning for the holidays, switching from "holy crap it's hotter than the surface of the sun in central arizona" weather to "i wish it was like this all year long" weather. Even though there is still more than a month or two remaining in the triple digits on the thermometer-my brain cells scream AUTUMN as soon as school begins.
We have had such a wonderful year. I threw a total surprise birthday party for Superman and invited his family and closest friends. I was able to get it all pulled together after all and it was perfect!
I have to say that the highlight so far was Mother's Day. Superman and the Little Man surprised me with a weekend getaway to San Diego's beaches and we've been hooked ever since. It was the first time for all of us to visit the strand of beaches and we all fell in love. I can't believe that I have lived 5 1/2 hours from the beach for 7 years and have NEVER gone. We've gone back to those same beaches 3 times this summer and I have realized....THAT is where I was born to be. On a beach, breathing in that salty Pacific air, in a little cottage, "70~something~degrees~year~round~kind~of~weather"....livin the dream. Oh the life that would be. **sigh**

My big sister and b.i.l. were able to come for a visit and we spent Memorial Weekend at the beach as well.
She. Is. Hooked.
She wants to move so bad-I think it hurts her. I would of course love to have her live close-she has such a big heart and makes me laugh. We go together like salt and margaritas. She is just another one of those things that makes my heart smile without even trying.
Filling up the summer with fun, we played "river rat" on the Colorado River a few times and made one last trip to the beach when my niece "Red M" came to visit.
She. Is. Hooked. Too.
I have had so much fun with my guys this summer and I thank them for showing me there is always time to have a good time.
Whether it be in the ocean air or on the rim of your rita glass...salt...that is my little for the day.

Smiles to all and God Bless!!

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