Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Treasure Hunt!!

And so begins my journey...to find those perfect pieces to add a little sparkle to my home. Over the last few months, I have been keeping these baby blues peeled for just the right accessories to give my dining room a new look. The room is very plain-nothing exciting. I want to look in that room and say "Wow-I did good" instead of "wow...what have you done?"
My daughter always liked pretty things since she was very young. So, when she turned 17, I couldn't see a better time than to do a surprise make over on her bedroom. I arranged for her to spend the weekend with a friend and got down to the nitty gritty. I was only half way through the process of prettifying her room that it was revealed to me...Superman cannot keep a secret. Apparently he had ratted me out to the little lady a few weeks prior. I was crushed. I so badly wanted this to be a surprise. The only thing I could do was to finish what I had started. I had lost the little edge of excitement, but I still wanted to make it look girly. There were a couple of pieces of furniture that I had picked up with every intention of using for her room's big makeover.
Here are a couple of little side tables that I have given new life to.

       Before: JUNK            After: '57 Chevy

    Before: JUNK                         After: Not to Shabby!

She loved her new room.
She learned that mommy can do pretty! I learned never to trust Superman with a secret.
So, now I know that furniture is something that I am actually able to do...time to move to bigger items! I can feel the wheels turning. A little rusty and I had to spray some WD-40 on them, but they ARE turning!
 While playing "river rat" over the summer, we visited a stinky little bait shop. This is your typical little-old-man-running-the-show-while-his-little-old-wife-complains-to-anyone-that-is-within-earshot type of bait shop. While sharing an ice cold summertime beverage with that very opinionated little old wife, I happened to spot from across her yard, one of those wire baskets that you would typically see in an old deep freezer. It was partially buried on a table outside the shop doing nothing but collecting spider webs and dried leaves. My spidey senses started to tingle!! I have been looking for one of those baskets for quite some time. I had to control myself from acting like a 5 year old that just got the best Christmas present ever-i controlled my jumping up and down and squealing. I calmly and nonchalantly asked how much she wanted for the wire basket. Imagine my surprise when her response was "what the hell you want that trash for?". Still maintaining my composure, my response was simply that of a scolded child shoulder shrug. "Take the damn thing" was music to my ears!! (I told you she was a little old lady-I didn't say she was pleasant). So with my treasure in hand-I gently tossed it in the back of the truck and the rest of the weekend-I beamed. Another summer treasure that was able to get my man-hands on...a dining set. Complete with the leaves for the table, 6 chairs, a buffet/hutch combo. Can we say "GIDDY"?!?! This was given to me by Superman's oh-so-wonderful sister. I gave her fair warning prior to hauling this home-that I would be giving the pieces a "face-lift" and she was perfectly fine with it. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I have my work cut out for me on this one. It's not something quick that I will be able to do on one of my days off-but I will be sure to take before and after shots. I'm not quite sure how everything is going to work together, but I will figure something out. Now-I think I need to hit the search button for how to correctly paint and distress furniture.
Have a great day to all!!

My little for the day...another mans trash.

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