Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good Bye 2011!!!

     Christmas has come and gone, back to work for a few days and then a New Year to begin. There are still a few days left of this oh so wonderful year of 2011. It's been one hell of a year if I do say so myself. Valentine's Night and Superman brought me to the ER to find out that I needed to have my Gal Bladder removed and was in the hospital for 4 days. Met up with family at the Grand Canyon-borderline blizzard conditions. First MAJOR teenage girl drama (which I am SO over) during the summer break. Beginning of Autumn we had a family scare/emergency and I had to fly out to Kansas for 2 weeks-could just strangle my baby sister for scaring us-but glad she is back to herself. I broke my ankle on 9-10-11 (happy that I just had a boot and not a cast). And with the recent holiday-my daughter has decided to move back to Kansas with her father. So, without any reservations, I can honestly say....2011 sucked. Plain and simple.
     Every year that comes in, brings the painstaking task of coming up with a resolution that I can actually stick to. In the years that have passed, I have never actually made the main resolution to lose weight. Well, I think it's about time. I want to set a goal to better myself physically. With that, I am certain that emotional and mental health will do nothing but improve.
     I'm not going to tell you that I have tried every fad diet out there...I haven't. I not going to tell you that I've tried all the exercise videos...I haven't. I have-however-done one thing....become lazy. Plain and simple. I'm not going to blame my health and weight on anything other than me. I know I have time to squeeze in SOME type of exercise....somewhere. Like a majority of women today-I have a family to raise and take care of while working a full time (out of the home) job. {Don't get me wrong, I give credit to those stay at home moms that work-it's tough to balance it all. I would have loved the opportunity to do that while my babies were little.} My day starts at 3:30 a.m. with the ritual wake-up shower. Getting to the office at 5:00 working for 12 hours-I then head home to feed Superman and the boy-clean up-laundry-miscellaneous chores around the house and I'm spent-head to bed at 9:00 p.m. and pray that Mr. Sandman will not only sprinkle-but whack me upside the head with his bag of sand and knock me out for a solid 6. So maybe I should revisit my resolution and say this, "I will make time for myself on a more regular basis to take better care of me". I think that might be a more obtainable goal than to "lose the weight".
     Feeling better and getting over this nasty head cold that has attempted to kick me around and keep me down for over a week is my main objective right now. Superman's birthday is coming up at the end of the week and I had so much planned as a surprise. Well, last night, he informed me that he would LOVE to go to the lake this weekend....crap.

btw...my little for the day....a nice box of soft Puffs tissues!!

1 comment:

  1. i agree this past year sucked!!! Am glad it is over...i do like your new years resolution..i never make them myself!! mel and i were talkikng earlier about starting to exercise ourselves...will see how THAT goes..lol loves you!!
