Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Testing the waters........

So I think I have personally discovered where gray hair comes from. Life. Plain and simple. It's the everyday wear and tear on a person that keeps the world of Cosmetology in such high demand! Don't get me wrong....I love doing what I am doing. It gives me such joy to know that I can make my children and my Superman happy with a meal that took 5 hours of prep or something as simple as a cupcake. But sometimes, I get to the point where my plate is piled up so high, it reminds me of that feeling during the Holiday feasts-you just don't know where to start. With my children getting older-and not needing mommy to do so much for them (they're generally happy with me just feeding them), I have found a lot of time on my hands to do other things. Things that I WANT to do. I have interests, found hobbies and things that I truly enjoy doing. Holy cow, this means that dusting has purposely been ignored by me for a month (only to see if anyone else would actually notice) in order for me to find time to do something I want to do. I actually mentioned it to the son and Superman last night-"didn't even notice" was their reply. Seriously? Staring at the huge TV and Gaming system every day-you never noticed? And then I felt it.....another strand of my sad face.

At the start of December, I and my co-workers drew names for the yearly Secret Santa 12 days of Winter Gift Exchange. I was so excited to get started on all the ideas that I had spinning in my brain. I wanted to make each idea come to life. I wanted to see the joy on my recipients face when she saw each day what I had made for her. It was such joy for me, to hear the compliments-no one knowing who had placed the special little gifts out. Some made me feel kinda bad about going "over the top". I don't think those people know that I spent so little money on the gifts. This was one of my favorites. I spent 33 cents per tile at the local hardware store. I set my mind on having all of them drawn and painted in one Sunday afternoon. To my surprise, they turned out so much better than I envisioned! And the look on her face when she showed them off was....priceless. She is a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan and I tried to find something special for that last "reveal" day in stores. Nothing could even come close to this set of coasters. Who knew that something so small, could make a smile so big?

I decided to dip my toes in the "blogging-waters" to see if it is something that I would want to do. Maybe share my thoughts on life, children, relationships. Everyone has a story, everyone has their own battles they are fighting. And everyone has their own little things that make them smile. What's your little?

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